Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Bunch of Smart Idiots

Recently, my family watched the documentary entitled: “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed.” This was produced by the popular comedian Ben Stein who used his own money to fund a movie that supported the Christian perspective of intelligent design. In this funny, but rather shocking movie, Ben Stein goes around asking evolutionists and intelligent design supporters and professors about their viewpoints of how intelligent design is being stamped out of public school systems, colleges, and America as a whole. Some of the remarks that come out of the evolutionary scientists’ mouths are shocking and frankly, they made me mad. One professor stated that religion should be kept separate from science, and should be something that people do on the weekends as a hobby, not something that should play a role in a person’s entire life. Another said that man did evolve, but not for a purpose. They were put on earth simply to be born, live, and die. What a lame existence! Yet another stated that religion should be slowly eradicated so it would stop causing
problems between people.

I think Ben Stein met and talked to a bunch of smart idiots.

It struck me though, that the evolutionists were so sure that they were right and that the believers in intelligent design were absolutely 100 percent wrong. It didn’t matter what anyone said to them, they would not be swayed in their judgment. One professor said that he went into a high school biology class a Christian, but after reading his text book and taking a semester class from an evolutionist, he gave up his belief in God and became a devoted Darwinist. Sadly, this same man was diagnosed with a brain tumor late in his life, and this still did not shake his belief in Darwin’s theory. I don’t know if this man is still alive, but I pray that he found (or finds) God’s truth before his death. The evolutionists were not willing to even listen to a creationist’s perspective they were so sure they were right! I think that happens a lot in a Christian’s life, because they are so sure they are right about something, but are not willing to listen to another side. I agree that sometimes it is dangerous to let an idea enter your head, but shouldn’t we at least give a person with a different view the opportunity to tell us why they believe how they do? We may even come to find that we are wrong!

I think what struck me most was what that one professor said about church and religion becoming something one does on the weekend, and the weekend only. It’s like when people are “Christian” on Sunday, but Monday through Saturday don’t count. I don’t think on Judgment Day God is going to judge us on what we did only on Sundays. Religion is not a hobby or a social club; it is something to take seriously and live out every day. So many churches have enough activities to fill a person’s social calendar, but they are not meeting the people’s spiritual needs. I don’t want a church that just gives me stuff to do… I want one that will help me grow in my EVERYDAY relationship with Christ, and my spiritual walk with God! If I never mature in my faith, what is the point? The humanist view of how church should be something that is enjoyable, fun, or entertaining is ruining many churches throughout America.

I find it sad and disturbing that politicians are trying their hardest to separate religion from government, when our own Declaration of Independence names God as our Creator! The Declaration does not say, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by that which they evolved through with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” No! It says, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” The authors of the Declaration were not trying to separate religion from government, they were trying to ensure that they always went together! The idea that man was created by God was not even questioned. I think it is sad that the theory of intelligent design isn’t even the primary scientific explanation that is taught in public schools today. I don’t think Creation is looked upon as a scientific theory (or law), but it is seen as a stupid, unbelievable idea that the Christian fanatics thought up.

I wish I could say that one day everything would be better, and creationism would be re-established, but I’m not so sure. Our country needs every Christian to fall to their knees in prayer for it, or it may become worse than a Communist country. Please join me in praying for America and its future.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A Common Misconception

My parents are gone for ten days on a Caribbean cruise. As much as I would like to be on that cruise with them, I would really have them back here so they, my siblings, and I can be a family again. I miss them a whole lot, and look forward to their daily calls just so I can hear their voices. I love my parents so much, and wish they were here with all of my heart.

Now most of you who know me can tell that my family is extremely important to me, and I would do anything for them. Being homeschooled has made a huge difference in how I view my family. When you are with them all day every day, it’s pretty lonely when you have to spend ten days apart from them!!

It seems to be expected of teenagers in the world today to treat their parents with disrespect, disregard, and as if they have no real value. I can’t tell you how many times I have walked through the mall or into a store and heard a teenager complaining about their parents, saying how unfair they are, and how they just don’t understand them. This always makes me wonder if I have ever said anything disrespectful to a friend about my parents. I try not to, and hope to succeed until the day I die.

Why is it that teenagers are predisposed to dislike whatever they say or do? Could it be because of the television shows on today? Could it be because that is just what has come to be expected?

My dad came home from work the other day and told me about an incident he had had with a coworker. I can’t remember how the conversation started, but basically my dad had said how he was glad I wasn’t like other teenagers. The man asked how old I was, and proceeded to tell my dad that there was still time for me to become like the rest of the world. My dad said that I would never become like that because he had told me not to, and the coworker said that it doesn’t matter how hard a parent tries, the child will rebel at some time (break curfew, talk disrespectfully, etc.)
My dad just told him that he was sure it would never happen to me (thanks, Dad!) and the guy just laughed as if my dad was ignorant.

It hit me that even the parents expect their teens to rebel at some point! Maybe it’s not all the teen’s fault after all, though it is mostly their problem. The parents have just stopped trying to teach their kids how not to behave, because everyone else acts like it, so why not? I thought that was pretty sad.

I love my dad so much for sticking up for me and my reputation. He told that man that he has told me how not to act, and that I am obedient enough to follow his direction. I’m sure the guy though my dad was crazy, but maybe he will be surprised in a couple of years when I am still not in trouble.

I am hoping to break the trend of going against my parents, because I have come to realize that they really DO know more than I do! They have lived much longer than I have, and have the wisdom that I have not yet acquired. Proverbs 16:31 says, “Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained by a righteous life.” (See Mom? Those gray hairs are for a good reason!!) I love my parents so much, even though I sometimes do things to hurt them. When I disobey them, it is usually because I have come to see through the world’s perspective of the parent/teen relationship. I hope I can stay faithful (with the Lord’s help) to my promise to honor my parents no matter what the circumstance.

If you get to read this on your cruise ship in the middle of the Caribbean, Mom and Dad, I love you very much and wish you were here with me right now! I can’t wait until Sunday to see you! I love you, and want to try to be the best teenage daughter you could ever have.
Love you,